Potters Field has only two or three actual markers in it, since 99.9% of the graves are unmarked.
Potters Field Graphic

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There are almost 4,000 burials in Potters Field, but only a few markers. In the 80's, a volunteer group got together and completely renovated the cemetery. New gateposts were built, and the circular walk shown below was put in, along with the known names of all the inhabitants, which were engraved on brass plaques and placed on the stone blocks.

Potter Field Marker

This marker greets the visitor as they enter the graveyard. It was composed by Richard E. Collins, as the next photo of the back of this marker shows. 





 This shot shows the metal plaques on stone plinths, with a sundial in the middle, that hold the names of those buried in the graveyard.


 Sundial in the middle of the circle.



At the very top of this hill, looking up from the circle, several turkeys were wandering around though you can't see them very well in this photo. Forest Lawn is chock-full of turkeys, and they must range widely over the countryside during the day.  




 One of the metal plaques with names of the people buried here.