Springwell Danish Graphic

To navigate the Springwell Danish pages, use the menu dropdown at the top of each page

Below you'll find photos of the section maps and instructions, that are posted at the kiosk at the entrance to the cemetery.   These maps are property of Springwell Danish Cemetery, and the information in them is solely their responsibility; I make no claim as to their accuracy.  I post the photo  just to help those looking to find their family or friends.  

If you have any questions, it's best to send a letter to the cemetery at the address posted online. Phone numbers are likely to not be correct as the years go by, and letters will be read by whomever is managing the cemetery now.  Be sure to include your contact details, such as email address, mail address, and phone number. 

Springwell Map


How to locate graves




Block 1


Block 2


Block 3




Block 3A


Block 4


Block 5


Christiansen Preserve


Wolf Reserve


Odd Fellows Section


County Section

