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I received the following from James Robinson regarding his grandmother, who is buried in Walnut Hill. 

"Attached is a picture of my grandmother's marker at Walnut Hill, in CB. She is Margaret Laura Belle Robinson Courtney nee Troutman. She was the mother of my father James Robinson, Sr. Her husband died in Missouri, in 1926, 11 years before I was born, so I never new him. In her 70s or 80, she married Mr. Courtney for convenience. It didn't work out. She ended up living with one of her daughters in CB until she died. I have also attached a picture of her when she was about 16. I have traced her ancestors back as far as Hans Trautmann, b. abt. 1529, Starkenburg, Germany." 

Laura Belle Robinson Courtney

 Margaret Laura Belle Troutman Robinson Courtney - Age 16


Laura Troutman Robinson Courtney